I know I don't blog very often, and sometimes I want to change that. However, right now I am working on balance. Balance with my time, my priorities, my eating habits, my commitments. The things that I choose to spend my time on need to be worthwhile and they need to be the best thing for me at that moment. Most of the time, this blog doesn't make the cut. However, sometimes it is exactly what I need to get out all my thoughts onto white space.
Lately I have been spending time on the Make It Happen website where I can post all my PowerSheets goals for the year/month and check them off when they are done ( so fun! ). It is also fun to encourage others in their goals, and be encouraged by them in return. I even created a group for my fellow New Englander's and I do have a little internet space to call home. I want to make sure that my goals moving forward are not just an action item that I strive to check off, but something that I want to incorporate into my life so that a month later I can look back and say, "yeah - my life is better for it."
I have been thinking a lot lately about living intentionally, and after finishing the book Hands Free Life and watching Miss You Already, I really want to choose the right things - the important things. I want my family to come first, I want to spend consistent time with the Lord each day, I want to take care of my body and I want to give myself GRACE because I don't do that enough. The time we have is so short, and I want to make sure that each day I make the most of it. No more letting the days slip through the cracks. The time to start is now. So that is what I am doing. I am SUCH a list person and a chart-maker and there is a HUGE part of me that wants to sit down and do that - what do I want to accomplish each day? Should I schedule time that we are hands-fee - no screen time, no distractions? What about scheduling a social media-free weekend? Do I make a list of things I need to do differently? But then there is another part of me that says that I need to put down the pen and pick up my head and see what is in front of me. Not everything needs to be planned, scheduled, accounted for. I need to give myself the freedom to let go of the charts and just do life. I want to take this chance to start fresh, live fully, give grace, laugh long, love deep, and slow down. Before it's too late.
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